Course Syllabus
German has a reputation for being a challenging language to sing in, but Derrick walks us through an introduction to what to expect when approaching German for singing and how to make the text come alive.
German vowels are categorized by length and quality (open or closed). Derrick breaks down the rules for identifying which quality to utilize and how each sound is made.
Mixed vowels, umlauts and schwa
The German language includes many mixed vowels with their own distinct rules and exceptions. Derrick guides us through these rules and exceptions while demonstrating how to form these vowel sounds.
Diphthongs are combinations of vowel sounds, and their pronunciation can make all the difference. This course includes helpful tricks to remember which pronunciation to use and some practice text to put what you've learned to work.
German consonants have a bad reputation for being difficult to utilize in singing. Derrick guides us through understanding the sounds used in German consonants and offers an opportunity to practice using these sounds in song text.
Ach-Laut and Ich-Laut
Two of the most distinctive sounds in the German language can be especially challenging for singers. Join Derrick as he breaks down how to pronounce these sounds and when to use them.
An die Musik
Putting all of your new German Diction knowledge to work, Derrick guides us through how to approach using these skills in a piece of music.
An die Musik Piano Reference
An opportunity to sing along and put your brand new German Diction knowledge into action with Derrick at the piano.
Click here to download the course workbook PDF and see the full syllabus →